Repair & replace uPVC window & door units in St Helens
The Obvious Choice!

All About Window Fix
Window Fix is a family run, independent local father and son business who specialise in the repair or replacement of products for uPVC windows or doors.
We are based in St Helens and have been running for over 15 years and continue to grow on a yearly basis. We consist of ex Pilkington Glass and Ex Original St. Helens Glass workers with over 40 years' experience.
We saw the need to give customers the opportunity to repair their windows and doors rather than having to replace them at a far higher cost, and have been busy doing so ever since.
The core of our business is replacing steamed up double glazed units, repairing faulty window hardware, such as hinges, handles and locking mechanisms, and repairing door hardware, such as locking mechanisms and handles, and aligning dropped doors.
The business has grown steadily year on year building up a wide customer base, many as a result of personal recommendation.

Do my double glazed windows need repairs?
When your double glazed units mist up, it's because the sealant round the edges of the glass has broken down. This creates windows that constantly look dirty and reduce the amount of light that comes into your home. It also means your double glazing won't insulate your home as efficiently, which means higher energy bills.
If you notice condensation between your double glazed units, call Window Fix. We'll come quick and give you a competitive, no obligation repair quote.
Fabulous service, have used Scott at Window fix a few times for replacement hinges to windows and doors. He is fast, efficient and 100% reliable. Another fab job today, thank you.
Maria Kelly
I'm still made up with the new fittings you put on our windows at the start of the year. It's made such a difference no longer having to fight with the windows to get some air in
Hannah Bordoni
Repair or replace your uPVC window and door units with Window Fix
Call 07941 634173 today, it's the obvious choice!